We asked some of our experienced Texas School attendees to share some of their top tips to help you get the most from your Texas School Experience.
Brad Barton
- Bring cash for the bars and for lunches (its easier to hand money to someone who’s running out to grab something)
- Bring a light jacket or sweater (the rooms can sometimes be cold plus North Central Texas weather is unpredictable in late Spring)
- Bring walking shoes (I often will do in excess of 12K steps a day just going back and forth within the hotel – if you’re off site, even more)
- Get a First Timer button at registration (No, we don’t haze, but many of us seek out First Timers to make sure they are settling in ok and just to strike up conversation)
- Have an open mind (You don’t learn anything if you are set in your way of doing things)
- Get lots of sleep before (Your brain will be full and racing the whole time, plus the parties and networking.)
- Attend the parties and sit in the bar until late, even if you don’t drink (The best networking happens at these things and some learning, also from your fellow students… you may only get 4-5 hours of sleep each night – or the entire week, but there’s plenty of time to sleep the next week)
- Attend the trade show (There are deals everywhere and we need to support the vendors that support the school)
- Look through your registration stuff on Sunday evening before you go to sleep (there are a lot of deals from the vendors in there that are only good during the week of Texas School)
- Smile … you chose the best little photography school in the country and you will be surrounded by 1000 of like minded creatives for an entire week.
Oh, and two more things you might want cash on hand for: - Texas School Charities does a big donation drive during Texas School with prizes going to the top donating classes
- Someone should be collecting money to get thank you gifts for your instructor and wranglers (each class has two student assistants – they work their BUTTS off to make Texas School function smoothly)
Jenny Rhea
- The sleep thing can be a real issue. So many times trying to get out of town for vacation or time off, we jam pack our schedules and stay up late etc… it is a good habit for all time off to plan a few catch up days and just plan time to finish projects instead of taking them with you. You won’t have a mindset to “work” while at TX School. Doing so will definitely change your experience.
- We all “hang out ” together all week. Kind of like immersion!?!? All photography all the time. I suggest having a new notebook with three lists ready:
A. What do you want to learn, as in where are you weak and what would help your business grow in 10 days if you knew it and did it?B. What do you want to buy, hold off on all purchases 6 months ahead of the school. You will want to save up and spend money on things you see and you actually get to use new equipment in class, then you can buy it(same one) at the end of the week! Awesome!!?!
C: Where do you see your business in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and 10 years? Making specific goals of how many clients, when to hire employees, how many schools or preschools, what equipment you want to be using, all that takes planning. And making those plans allows confidence in making good decisions. This list also gives great ideas for conversation. You can ask people at dinner or parties how they would go at some of the goals, what equipment they like best for certain scenarios, how they hired employees…. great way to get to those goals faster!!!
- Sleep, bring granola bars for breakfast and take a breath before you open the door to the hotel. Welcome to TX school. It is going to be a great week.
Brandon Cheek
- Stay an extra night to recover. Costume party is fun and you should go all out as we do. Don’t miss Friday. There is still more to learn, watch the Texas school video, win lots of free stuff and watch closing speaker.