Classic Wall Portrait Mastery: Transforming
Photographers into Profitable Artists

William Branson III
Course Number: 2
Level: All Levels

Transform your photography career with William’s exclusive masterclass on classic wall portraiture.

Whether you’re looking to add this premium line to your existing business or make a complete change, this comprehensive course is designed for photographers of all levels who want to elevate their craft, increase their income, and create timeless art for their clients’ homes. William will show you how to tap into a lucrative market that can dramatically boost your revenue and reignite your artistic passion.

Drawing from years of experience and success, William will guide you through the entire process of building a flourishing, high-end portrait business. From mastering award-winning posing and lighting techniques to implementing effective marketing strategies, this class provides the blueprint for your success in the competitive world of portrait photography.

You already have the foundation – now build on your expertise by mastering the art and business of luxury wall portraiture. Learn how to leverage your existing skills and clientele to offer a premium product that sets you apart from the competition.

Join William in this immersive class and unlock your potential to create stunning portraits that will adorn your clients’ walls for generations. Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your journey towards the income and artistic recognition you deserve.

Why You Should Take This Class:

  • Mastering the art of classic wall portraiture, from marketing to final product.
  • Developing a blueprint for building a thriving and profitable photography business.
  • Learning proven techniques to dramatically increase your sales, with examples of $10,000 to $45,000+ portrait orders.
  • Developing essential skills in targeting high-end clientele, refining client interactions, perfecting sales techniques, and optimizing business management.

Meet the Instructor:

William Branson III, M. Photog. Cr., Fellow – ASP, A-BIPP, A-RPS, MPP-MPI
Franklin, TN
[email protected]

William, an internationally acclaimed master artist, has earned immense recognition for his portraiture. His work, embodies the essence of true classical portraiture.

As a mentor, William has profoundly impacted photographers globally, teaching them, from beginners to advanced levels, how to market and create the art of classic wall portraiture. At Texas School, he eagerly shares his knowledge and secrets, helping others achieve similar success in their businesses.

William’s exceptional talent has been recognized numerous times, receiving Photographer of the Year honors from the PPA at various levels, from Bronze to Diamond. In 2012, he achieved his Fellowship degree from the American Society of Photographers, solidifying his esteemed status among peers. He has also won a GIA Award for 1st place in Portrait at the PPA Imaging Awards.

Acknowledged by 40 leading photographic artists, William was invited to join the elite Cameracraftsmen of America. He holds a Master’s and Craftsman Degree from the Professional Photographers of America and is a founding member of the International Society of Portrait Artists. William holds the degree of Master Photographer in Portrait with Master Photographers International in Canada, and in Europe, he holds Associate Degrees with The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain and the British Institute of Professional Photography.