EPIPHANY On becoming an Emotive Visualist

Arthur Rainville & Toni Marie
Course Number: 27
Level: All Levels

In this class, we’ll dive into the emotional depth of fine art portraiture. You’ll learn secret techniques from the old masters, discovering fresh ways to see and create high-impact art. We’ll focus on developing a personal approach that sets your work apart by exploring subtle, nuanced details.

Together, we’ll examine the essence of humanity through authentic, primal aesthetics, helping you craft portraits that truly reflect your subjects. In today’s digital age, embracing these emotive techniques can help you stand out and thrive as an artist.

Arthur’s philosophical approach will inspire the true emotive visualist in you while Toni Marie’s soulful guidance will help you deepen your creative spirit and artistic expression. This class will help you find your unique voice.

We’ll take a gentle approach, combining innovative techniques with a focus on the ‘life-force’ behind your art. Through hands-on practice, you’ll engage in sensitive visualizations and master fine-art portrait techniques. Learn atmospheria lighting of the Flemish masters, language of the body posing, and how to add the hidden symbolism of classical art. You’ll also explore the light of the Hudson River School, Hopperesque compositions, and Ken Zen differential focus exercises, all aimed at developing your own distinctive imagery.

Our daily Afterglow Retreats will bring these artful heartful lessons together, celebrating the new emotional depth and authenticity in your art. Your Epiphany awaits.

Meet the Instructor:

Arthur Rainville
M.Photog., Cr, CPP, API, Hon.EA ASP
New Bedford, MA
[email protected]

Toni Marie
M.Photog., MA., Cr., CPP

Arthur Rainville has been creating stunning photographs and paintings drenched in atmosphere, drowned in romanticism, for over 50 years. With his life’s work being displayed in museums and private collections on three continents; he has been touted as, “the Poet Lauréate of Photography and Art, one of the most sensitive, artists of our time.”

Toni Marie is celebrated for her ability to infuse her work with profound emotion and storytelling. Known for her deep sensitivity and symbolic use of imagery, Toni’s classes are an immersive journey into the heart of photography. Her unique approach often moves students to tears, as she encourages them to connect their own emotions and stories to their art.