Nothing Compares to Texas School!

The Texas School of Photography is the destination for your intense, deep-dive into live, hands-on photographic education.

You will spend the entire week with one instructor who is dedicated to helping you take your photography to places you never thought possible.

Those who have attended know that Texas School is more than a week of intense learning…it is an immersion in non-stop photographic inspiration. That is why so many return year after year.

Mark your calendar and set your alarm because registration for the Texas School opens January 3rd at 11PM CST.

At exactly 11PM (Texas time), photographers across the US and beyond will be in front of their computers to register for the most exciting photographic education on the planet!

2019 Texas School Instructors

Bree Adams
Ross Benton
Doug Box
Gary Box
Ana Brandt
William Branson III
Alison Carlino
Carl Caylor
Tony Corbell & Rob Hull
Bry Cox
Jim Cunningham
Gregory & Lesa Daniel
Bob Davis
Cris & Deanna Duncan
Kristi Elias
Steve Ellinger
Kay Eskridge
Joel Grimes
Jeff Gump
John Hartman
Jamie Hayes
& Mary Fisk-Taylor
Elizabeth Homan
Steve Kozak
Don MacGregor
Gary & Kathryn Meek
Dave Montizambert
Sandra Pearce
Richard Sturdevant
Guy T Phillips
Thom Rouse
Kimberly Smith
Craig Stidham
Francie Stonestreet &
Chris Smith
Ethan Tweedie
Jason Ulsrud
Mitch Daniels &
Steve Watson
John Wilson

Texas School Is Education!

Texas School offers 37 classes covering a wide range of photographic study. Choose from classes to help you with creating better images, image editing, expanding your creativity or growing your business. You get to spend the entire week in one class working closely with an instructor who guide you through the techniques and the skills you need to become a complete photographer.

Depending on the class you choose, you may go on location, work in the studio, photograph real landscapes or edit images on your own computer. Our vendors fill each class with all the gear you need to get great images. Just bring your camera (or a laptop). You will work with live models in real sessions that will put you in the middle of the action and CRUSH the experience of watching videos online.

Texas School Is Fun!

After a full day of photography, it is time to cut loose for a little evening fun and fellowship with 1000 of your closest photographer friends. Live music, free refreshments, crazy costumes and amazing door prizes are just part of the evening activities at Texas School.

There are also powerful study groups, one-on-one mentoring and shooting assignments that have to get done for the next days’ class. The bottom line is, evenings at Texas School rock no matter how you roll.

Texas School Is Value!  

Our amazing vendors go out of their way to make sure you have a great week at Texas School. They provide you with FREE evening meals, loaner equipment for you to try out and free door prizes every time you turn around.
We know that life-long friendships are forged at Texas School as photographers from across the country connect to share ideas and encourage each other.

Never underestimate the value of networking with other instructors, vendors and fellow students.

The Best Deals are at Texas School!

Insiders know that the best deals of the year on gear can be found at the Texas School Trade Show. Many vendors will let you try the gear before you buy!  And if that’s not enough, Arlington Camera and our vendors give away thousands of dollars in door prizes.  Take a look at our amazing list of industry leaders.

Come early and take in a Pre-con Class!

Make your plans to attend one of our fantastic Pre-con Classes on Saturday before Texas School. These full day seminars are open to everyone for the low price of $97, but if you are attending Texas School in 2019, the price for the full day is only $47.  The seminars are on Saturday April 27th, the day before Texas School begins.   All seminars will run from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM CDT.
Registration for Pre-con classes opens with school registration on January 3rd at 11PM CST. All classes will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Addison.

Renaissance Hotel: Home of Texas School!

Texas School is headquartered in the beautiful Renaissance Hotel in Addison, TX.  The hotel is just a few minutes from Downtown Dallas and is easily accessible by both DFW and Love Field airports.
Click here to make discounted reservations.

Registration Information

 Tuition for the entire week of outstanding education is only $595 for TPPA Members and $695 for non-members.  If you wish to register as a TPPA member, make sure your 2019 dues have been paid. You can pay dues or join TPPA now at the TPPA Membership Services site.
Registration opens on January 3rd at 11PM CST.

Log in at a  few minutes before 11PM and complete the registration form. Then, at 11PM sharp, hit that submit button.


 Texas School of Professional Photography – Renaissance Hotel. – Addison, Texas
Questions? Contact Don Dickson at 806-296-2276 or email at [email protected]