Applications are now being accepted to volunteer to model at the Texas School of Professional Photography. Times for volunteering are the week of April 28-May 3. Volunteers receive digital files selected by the instructor as compensation. Our instructors are top professional photographers from around the world. They are the best of the best!
Sign up now for the opportunity to be photographed by these photographers at no cost to you.
The more flexible you are with your volunteer times, the greater the chance that you will have to be selected.
We typically need Families, High School Seniors, Couples, Sports Teams, Individuals, Babies, Kids, and Tweens for our photographers to photograph. You do not have to be a professional model or have any experience to apply, but you do need to be available. The more time you are available, the more likely you will be asked to model for one of the classes.
Please fill out the form on the link for each person who is available, and you will be contacted on or before April 1st if you are matched with a Model Request.
Here is the link to fill out an application. Complete this form.
Thank you,
Texas School Model Office