Print Competition Boot Camp
Hosted by Mark McCall
Saturday, April 24, 2021
10:00AM -5:00PM
“What are the Judges looking for”? Sounds familiar, right? Follow Mark McCall’s journey into the often scary world of PPA Print Competition. Learn the tricks that have brought him success in PPA/IPC Print Competition.
We’ll turn the 12 Elements on its head and give you Mark’s version of the 12 Elements that will shake up everything you’ve been taught. This is real life, not just words on paper.
You’ll leave with the knowledge and confidence to get those print merits…and get them regularly.
You’ll learn:
- One type of image almost always merits. Find out what it is and how to create it.
- Two subjects are usually better than one, find out why.
- See Mark’s SECRET WEAPON he uses in almost every competition piece he enters.
- One thing will drive down the score of any competition print. Find out what it is and how to avoid it.
- Learn how to squeeze an extra point or two by paying close attention to an overlooked area…the mat!!!
- Different Levels of Competition
- See the Juror’s Charge, the video every Juror must watch before sitting on a panel.
- Storytelling goes a long way. Learn to tell or create a story within your image that can make a less-than-perfect image score much higher. PPA ranks Story Telling as #12 on the list of 12 Elements, but Mark has it ranked #2!!! See the completely new 12 Element List!
- Find out what type of paper to use with what type of image.
- What mounting material?…yes, it makes a difference.
- Learn about printing, subject matter, where to find inspiration and most importantly, learn what the judges are looking for and what they’ll ding you for.
- Learn to use PPA’s own rulebook in your favor to earn the coveted Photographer of the Year Award.
- Entering client work vs shooting for Competition. Which is better? The answer will surprise you.
- Printing your work vs entering digitally, which is better? Another shocking answer!
- Hear a few of Mark’s funny print competition stories….real things that have happened in Print Competition.